MSCR APP Discount Code:

  • Upon downloading the Muscle Republic App, you'll receive an exclusive discount code via push notification. This discount code is a one-time offer for new Muscle Republic App users.
  • The code must be entered at the checkout and the discount applied before making payment.
  • The code cannot be applied to an order retrospectively.
  • This code cannot be used in conjunction with any other discount code or Promotion.
  • Discount codes are subject to change at any time, including but not limited to promotional and sale periods.

WOW20 Discount Code:

  • The WOW20 discount code is for first-time Muscle Republic customers and can be applied towards your first purchase only.
  • WOW20 offers 20% off your first purchase. 
  • This code cannot be used in conjunction with any other discount codes.
  • The code must be entered in checkout and discount applied before making payment.
  • The code cannot be applied to an order retrospectively.
  • Can be used on the Muscle Republic website or app. 
  • Discount codes are subject to change at any time, including but not limited to promotional and sale periods.

OUTLET20 Discount Code:

  • The OUTLET20 discount code is for use on final sale products only.
  • OUTLET20 offers 20% off, on top of the sale price. 
  • This code cannot be used in conjunction with any other discount codes.
  • The code must be entered in checkout and discount applied before making payment.
  • The code cannot be applied to an order retrospectively.
  • Can be used on the Muscle Republic website or app. 
  • Discount codes are subject to change at any time, including but not limited to promotional and sale periods.


NBCF Essentials Tee:

  • $5 AUD from every purchase of NBCF Essentials Tee will be donated to National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF).
  • NBCF Essentials Tee is available to purchase on the MSCR website and App.
  • Tees are Limited Edition, available whilst stocks last.
  • Muscle Republic reserves the right the end this promotion at any given time.

National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) Donation:

  • $1 AUD donation to National Breast Cancer Foundation available to be added to your order at the checkout.
  • 100% of every $1 AUD donated at checkout will be donated to National Breast Cancer Foundation.
  • No exchanged or refunds are available on donations.
  • Donations can be made at the checkout on the MSCR website only.
  • Donations will be available to be added with any order through the month of October 2024.
  • Muscle Republic reserves the right to end this promotion at any given time.


    Bundles currently available on Muscle Republic Platform include two styles for $100 two styles for $80 and two styles for $120. 

    • Offer available on selected styles only. Product is subject to limited availability and while styles and stocks last.
    • Prices will be applied in your cart.
    • Excludes previous purchases and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers.
    • Loyalty points cannot be redeemed in conjunction with this promotion. However points will continue to be earned at 1 point for every $1 spent. 
    • Muscle Republic reserves the right to end these promotions at any given time. 
    • Bundles are marketed with AUD pricing. 

    Buy 2 get 1 free:

    Buy 2 get 1 free is currently available across Mens Tops & selected Womens Tees. 

    • Offer available on selected styles only. Product is subject to limited availability and while styles and stocks last.
    • Prices will be applied in your cart.
    • Excludes previous purchases and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers.
    • 3 tops must be added to cart, the free product will apply to the lowest priced item in the cart. 
    • Mens and Womens styles can be mixed within offer, subject to style inclusion. 
    • Offer is available on the Muscle Republic website and app. 
    • Muscle Republic reserves the right to end these promotions at any given time. 

    Muscle Republic Car Giveaway:

    • The Muscle Republic “Car Giveaway” commences on Monday 22 July 2024 and ends on 31 October 2024.
    • Entrants must sign up to the Car Giveaway form in order to win. This form will be communicated via social media, email marketing, website and other forms of marketing. The entrant must provide their email address, mobile phone number, first name, last name and gender to enter the giveaway. The website URL to sign up is:, customers can also sign up directly via social media.
    • Entrants can receive bonus entries by making a purchase via our platform during the giveaway dates listed above.
    • Entrants must be over the age of 18 and reside in Australia.
    • The winner will be drawn at random on Monday 4 November 2024 , 12pm at MSCR HQ, 1/13 Sydenham Road, Brookvale, NSW. The prize winner will be notified in writing within seven days, via one of the following communication channels: telephone, email, social media.
    • Entrants must be signed up to Muscle Republic email marketing at the time of competition draw. 
    • The winners details (last name, first initial, postcode) will be published on social media within 30 days.
    • The winner will receive a Hyundai Kona (valued at RRP $41,279.27)
    • The winner agrees to public announcements via social media, email marketing and advertising once they have been drawn.
    • Unclaimed Prize Draw: If the if prize is not claimed by successful entrants after 14 days, a redraw will be made on Wednesday 4 December at midday at MSCR HQ, 1/13 Sydenham Road, Brookvale. The winner will be drawn at random.
    • The unclaimed prize winner will be notified in writing within seven days.
    • The winner of the re-draw details (last name, first initial, postcode) will be published on social media within 30 days.
    • If for any reason any aspect of this Promotion is not capable of running as planned, including by reason of computer virus, communications network failure, bugs, tampering, unauthorised intervention, fraud, technical failure or any cause beyond the control of the Promoter, the Promoter may in its sole discretion cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Promotion and invalidate any affected entries, or suspend or modify a prize, subject to State or Territory regulation. 
    • SA Permit T24/1029
    • Trader Name: Muscle Republic, Address: 1/13 Sydenham Road Brookvale, NSW. ABN 17 610 216 512